Thursday, December 29, 2011

Delaware Court Says HP and Mark Hurd Must Disclose Letter Accusing Hurd of Sexual Harrasment

Former HP CEO Mark Hurd left the firm in disgrace when it came to light he was accused of sexual harassment by a former independent contractor, Jodie Fisher.  An internal HP investigation revealed that Hurd had falsified expense reports involving expenses with personal encounters with Ms. Fisher.  Hurd was forced out of HP and he reached a confidential settlement with Fisher. Hurd then went on to bigger and better things as co-CEO of Oracle.

Neither the Fisher demand letter nor the contents of the HP internal investigation have ever been publicly revealed. Now, a shareholder has successfully persuaded a Delaware court to require disclosure of these materials.

Adding to the drama is the fact that though it was never publicly admitted by either Hurd or Fisher, the strong inference is that both of them carried on an affair meeting in exotic places on the company dime. There is also smoke around Hurd's supposed disclosure of the HP/EDS deal to Fisher prior to any public disclosure of it.  And, finally, it later came out that prior to Fisher's career as a marketing consultant, she was an actress: in the "soft porn" industry.

Let the fireworks begin.


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